The community also seeks to be present for our members when times are sad and difficult.
All new members and most of our existing membership belong to the Jewish Joint Burial Society which provides insurance to cover the costs of funerals and cremations. We use the services of a Jewish undertaker based in Edgware (Calo’s). They carry out tahara (ritual cleansing) on behalf of the community.
Most burials take place in our cemetery in Weybridge. It is part of the municipal cemetery.
A separate portion of our grounds can be used for the burial of non-Jewish partners of our members, provided that the Jewish partner agrees to be buried in the same plot when the time comes.
Cremations are held in any of the local crematoria. Ashes may be interred in the NWSS burial grounds.
The synagogue can also help with shivah prayers held at the family house or sometimes in the synagogue. Some families only wish to hold one night of prayers; others decide to hold the full week.
Whatever you decide, the synagogue will try to help at this most difficult of times.